The BoA Scenario Database
Compiled by Tyranicus.
All scenarios are the latest versions, as of September 29, 2016.
Please make sure that you have the latest version of Blades of
If you play a scenario, please review it.
Designers, if I am missing your scenario or have an outdated version, please contact me at
Artifacts Hall v1.3.0 by Terror's Martyr (Utility) - Mac - PC The Battle for Gale v1.0.0 by Cpt Charles - Review it - Mac - PC Canopy: Manufactured Womb v1.0.4 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC Death at Chapman's v1.0.0 by Erik Westra - Review it - Mac - PC Echoes: Renegade v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC El Presidente v1.0.0 by Nikki & Thralni - Review it - Mac - PC Embers of Rebellion v1.0.1 by Ephesos - Review it - Mac - PC Emerald Mountain v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC The Empire's New Grove v1.0.0 by Nikki - Review it - Mac - PC Express Delivery v1.0.0 by Arancaytar - Review it - Mac - PC High Level Party Maker v1.2.5.1 by Kelandon (Utility) - Mac - PC Kill Prize, Win Ogre v1.0.0 by Dintiradan - Review it - Mac - PC Kill Them Dead v1.0.0 by Enraged Slith - Review it - Mac - PC A Large Rebellion v1.1.5 by Otto Holmèn - Review it - Mac - PC Mad Ambition v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC Melliput Mobsters v1.0.7 by Celtic Minstrel - Review it - Mac - PC Nine Variations on Point B v1.1.1 by Alec, ported to BoA by Kelandon - Review it - Mac - PC Of Good and Evil v1.0.0 by Alcitras, ported to BoA by BainIhrno - Review it - Mac - PC Proving Grounds v1.0.3 by Michael Slack - Review it - Mac - PC The Ritual of Registration v1.0.0 by Nemesis - Review it - Mac - PC River and Leaf v1.0.0 by Akhronath, ported to BoA by Ishad Nha - Review it - Mac - PC Roses of Reckoning v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC The Siege of Copperpeak v1.0.1 by Ephesos - Review it - Mac - PC To Hell in a Handbasket v1.0.1 by Nemesis - Review it - Mac - PC Turn That Frown Upside-Down 2 by Duck - Review it - Mac - PC Where the Rivers Meet v2.0.3 by Thralni - Review it - Mac - PCAphobia v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC
Avatar v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC Avernum 2 Template v1.0.0 by Clint Peters (Utility) - Mac - PC Beechford v1.3 by MHaensel - Review it - Mac - PC Blades of Rogue v1.0.0 by Niemand - Review it - Mac - PC Darkness v1.0.0 by Ephesos - Review it - Mac - PC Foul Hordes v1.0.0 by Sam Harada - Review it - Mac - PC HIM v1.1.4 by Thralni - Review it - Mac - PC HIM: The Wolf at the Door v1.1.3 by Thralni - Review it - Mac - PC Imagine This Scenario v1.0.0 by Terror's Martyr - Review it - Mac - PC In the Shadow of Dragons v1.0.0 by Nemesis - Review it - Mac -PC Kingdom Hall v1.0.0 by Nikki - Review it - Mac - PC Magic Lab v1.1.0 by Niemand (Utility) - Mac - PC Muffins n' Hell v1.0.0 by Iffy - Review it - Mac - PC Mystery Manor v1.0.0 by Michael Slack - Review it - Mac - PC
Nobody's Heroes v1.0.0 by Kelandon - Review it - Mac - PC Outpost Valley v1.0.0 by Smoo - Review it - Mac - PC Phew for a Minute v1.0.0 by Nikki - Review it - Mac - PC Playground for the Pyromaniac v1.0.0 by Cpt Charles - Review it - Mac - PC
Restless Souls v1.0.0 by Excalibur - Mac - PC The Sorcerer's Apprentice v1.1.0 by Niemand - Review it - Mac - PC The Staff v1.0.0 by Mike Slack - Review it - Mac - PC Tales from the Tabard Inn v1.0.0 by Lazarus - Review it - Mac - PC Three Twenty Three by Nikki - Review it - Mac - PC Threnody by Lazurus - Review it - Mac - PC A Visit to the Madhouse v1.0.0 by Niemand - Review it - Mac - PC Wilderness v1.0.1 by Jemand - Review it - Mac - PC